I consider that it was the first experimenting device in electronics.
Various colours, sizes... It is too much intrested.
Now we start electronics with our hands and eyes.
First you try to buy a LED from an electronic shop. You must say its colour.
Just say RED.
Then connect its two leads in to two wires.
Now your LED have much lead length.
Pick a battery from your home. Just care, there is a large variety of batteries.
So just care about its voltage. Now we need 1.5 volt battery.
Now you are ready to start your first experiment...!
Connect Your LED in to battery leads..
Some times your LED will blink, if else change your battery connections.
There is no change in LED. It is not blink...!
Just replace your battery with another one.
Now there is no doubt. LED is on.....
Wah electronics.. You start it..
Now i list some colours and voltages of various LEDs. Just you apply that voltage in to its leads...
1) RED 1.63v to 2.03v
2) orange 2.03v to 2.10v
3) yellow 2.10v to 2.18v
4) green 1.9v to 4.0v
5) blue 2.48v to 3.7v
6) violet 2.76v to 4.9v
7) white 3.1v to 3.6v
Try various colours and voltages....
There is some methode in electronics. We must learn it... But not biheart it.
So then you must understand the leads of LED and battery. Then how we can connect them.
In most cases LED have two or more leads. One is always less than others.
That was cathode. The cathode is always connected with negative polarity of battery.
Then connect the other leads in to positive polarity of battery.
It is ok....

This is the strecture of an LED.
Also you can understand the cathode and anode from this image...
Just try it...